Khamis, 14 Oktober 2010

OtHeR fErMeNtEd fOOd....

Where did chocolate originate???

           Chocolate has been around since the time of the Mayans and Aztecs, over three thousand years ago. The Mayans and Aztecs used to harvest the cacao pods from cacao trees. They would then ferment these pods. This was prepared into a chocolate drink.

            This was actually not a sweet drink, was extremely bitter in taste. Unsurprising the name literally translated to "bitter water". Considering the intense and bitter flavor of this drink. The drink was regularly used during religious ceremonies, and cocoa beans would be used to haggle for other products.

             Prior to fermentation, the ripe cacao fruits (known as pods) are carefully cut from the the tree. The harvested pods are taken to a central location, where the fermentation will take place. Some growers ferment their own beans in relatively small heaps on the floor of the plantation, while others take their pods to a co-op for larger-scale box fermentation. But regardless of the scale of the operation, the fermentation process is essentially the same.

             When the pods have been gathered at the fermentary, they are broken open, and the beans are scooped out.

              For a long as a cacao pod remains intact, it is sterile, meaning that it contains no yeast or bacteria. However, during the pod-breaking and been-scooping stage, the pulp is inoculated with wild yeasts and bacteria. Scientists believe that the bulk of these microorganisms are transferred from the skins of the pods to the beans, via the bean-scooper' hands

              In the first stage of fermentation, the wild yeasts rapidly multiply in the sweet, fruity pulp converting the pulp's sugar into alcohol. This initial phase takes places in the absence of oxygen. Hence, it is known as anaerobic fermentation. The yeast population peaks within 24 hours.

              After the yeasts have done their work, bacteria begin to take over the fermentation process, converting the alcohol into acid. This acid slowly penetrates the been.

               The bacterial phase of fermentation takes place in the presence of oxygen. Hence it is known as aerobic fermentation. This phase requires a significant amount of oxygen, so the beans are typically turned at least twice during the fermentation process, in order to introduce oxygen into the heap, and to ensure that all of the beans are fermented evenly. Typically, the beans are turned at about 48 and 72 hours after fermentation 
                The bacteria population peaks roughly 72 hours after fermentation first begins, and decreases rapidly over the following 72 hours. Hence, the entire fermentation process typically takes about 144 hours (six days).

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

prodUcTiOn 0f bReAd


               Wheat and barley are early plants to be cultivated and primitive people living as early as 5000 BC. Bread was discovered by adding water to the grain made it more palatable and people experimented with cooking the grain and water mixture on stones that had been heated in fire. In ancient Egyptians, wheat and water mixture was left in warm place, causing the naturally occuring yeast to produce a puffed up dough. In the Roman, rubbing between two stones which one stone revolved on top of a lower, perpendicular and stationary stone. The wheel were drived by cattle or slaves. Later water mills or wind mills provided the power. In 18th century, Swiss Miller invented a steel roller mechanism that simplify the grinding process and led to the mass production of white flour. Charles Fleischmann's develop an easy to used dependable package yeast later further simplify the baking process. In 20th century, scientific and technical innovation have made it possible for large bread factory to control the complex physical, chemical and biological changes inherent in bread making. In fact bread is an excellent source of low fat complex carbohydrates.

Raw materials of bread and its function

1.Wheat flour- basic ingredient in bread making where on hydration during mixing of wheat flour forms glutanin and glytin are produced. Gluten has property of extensibility and elasticity and is capable of forming thin film which helps in retaining the gas produced by yeast in dought.

2. Baker's yeast - Pure culture of selected strains of Sacromyces Cerevisiae are mixed with the bread dought to bring about desired changes in texture and flavor

3. Salt - Sodium chloride,NaCl important to improve the the flavor and taste of bread. Besides it also exerts desirable strong thinning effect on the glutn of the dought.

4. Sugar - refer to sucrose. Once sucrose added in the dought it will inverted to glucose and fructose immediately

5. Fat - Give effect on the loaf volume. Bread crumb texture becomes softer and improving quality of bread

glyserol Mono Stearate

6. Glycerol Mono Stearate - act as emulsifying agent where results in increase in loaf volumes tenderness in crust but the addition of this emulsifying agent must be limited if not it will causes an open crumb structures


Potassium bromide

7. Potassium Bromide - used as an oxidizing agent. At the mixing stage when potassium bromide is added, the dough become more elastic, tighter and less sticky. Usually it will give superior oven spring and good loaf volume with better crumb texture.

Calcium Propionate

8. Calcium Propionate - Act as preservative for bread which exhibit effect on undesirable mould

9. Acetic acid - Used to reduce the spoilage of bread by ropiness

10. Vitamin Premix - mainly its added during bread making mainly to profit the bread with essential vitamin and minerals for making general health of the consumers. The vitamin premix contains Vitamin A, B1 and B2, Niacin and Iron.

BreAd MaKinG pRoceSS

         Yeast grown in a molasses mineral salts medium with pH 4.3 - $.5 and temperature control to 30C with   molasses substrate added to maintain a sugar concentration 0.5 - 1.5 percent.Yeast then collected by centrifugation and pressed through a filter to remove excess liquid. Amylases in the dough convert starch to sugars and carbon dioxide and ethanol.
          In the production of bread, besides Saccharomyces cerevisiae, other microorganisms can be used  as leavening of bread are coliform bacteria and Clostridium sp. During fermentation the dough becomes conditioned as a result of the action of proteases on the flour protein, gluten. Enzymes are produced by the yeast or maybe added from the sources. As a result of this conditioning the gluten matures become elastic and capable of retaining the carbon dioxide gas produced by the yeast during fermentation. 
          Sugar amylase to convert starches to sugar is normally added to the flour in order to increase the rate of gas production by yeast. Addition of increased amounts of yeast and various salts to support yeast metabolism also increases the rate of gas production.
           The leavening process is normally carried out at 27C which is optimal for fermentation. Too high or too low a temperature can result in reduced rates of gas production. After leavening the bread is baked. Carbon dioxide bubbles are trapped in the dough and give rise to the honeycomb texture and increased volume of the bread. Although the interior of the bread does not reach 100C, the heating is sufficient to kill yeast inactivate their enzymes expand, the gas evaporate, the ethanol produced during the fermentation and establish the structure of the bread loaf.        

Isnin, 11 Oktober 2010

production oF Alc0holic bevEragEs

                                                        alcOhOlic FeRmeNtaTion of BeEr

History of alcohol....

        Alcohol is a product that has provided a variety of functions for people throughout all history. From the earliest times to the present, alcohol has played an important role in religion and workship. Historically, alcoholic beverages have served as sources of needed nutrients and have been widely used for their medicinal, antiseptic, and analgesic properties. The role of such beverages as thirst quenchers is obvious and they play an important role in enhancing the enjoyment and quality of life. They can be a social lubricant, can facilitate relaxation, can provide pharmacological pleasure, can can increases the pleasure of eating.

Action of zymase secreted by the yeast which converts to simple sugar :-
  • glucose
  • fructose
  • ethyl alcohol
  • carbon dioxide
        In particular, the of enzyme of diastase or zymase or invertase or starch will broken down into complex sugar. Then it will convert complex sugar into simple sugar and lastly into alcohol.


       Fermentation derivation of CO2 from the air entering the wine leaves and converted to starch and its derivatives. During obsorcion in grapes, these bodies turned to glucose and fructose (sugars) during fermentation process.                    

Production of wines


Rabu, 6 Oktober 2010

pRodUcTion of CheEse..

             Cheese is nutritious food made mostly from the cow's milk or another animal' milk such as goat and sheep. It made from the casein of milk that is produced after separating the whey which is the liquid portion of the milk.
               For all your information, bacteria that used in cheese making are either gas producers or acid producers. Gas producers release carbon dioxide,CO2 while acid producers form lactic acid from lactose. It is the gas producers that determine the texture of a cheese and the acid producers determine the flavour.

In the production of  cheese, it involves several steps as state below :
  1. Acidification of milk
  2. Coagulum formation
  3. Separation of curd from the whey
  4. Ripening of cheese

...............Pathway of in manufacture of CHEDDAR CHEESE................

Isnin, 4 Oktober 2010

fErmenTed miLks..

milks product

        Fermented milk also known as cultured dairy foods, cultured dairy products or cultured milk products. Fermentation of milk dates back thousands of years to locations all over the world.The process was used as a means of preserving a highly perishable product and to produce new flavors for old food staple.
     In the early years of milk fermentation, milk was simply allowed to be fermented by its normal microbiota, but the actual process was not completely understood. Cultures could be maintained by inoculating fresh milk with fermented food.
       Today lactic acid producing microorganisms are added to milk to decrease the pH of the milk and produce many different fermented milk products.

Lactobacillus sp.
        Usually dairy foods have been fermented with lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and Leuconostoc. We fermented food to increase the shell life products, to adds to the taste and improves the digestibility of milk. Besides, a range of different Lactobacilli strains has been grown in laboratories allowing for a wide range of cultured milk product with different tastes.

hiii...frenz...did u know or hear about fermented food?????

Fermented food are food produced or preserved by the action of microorganisms or enzyme alter the properties of the food. 

Objective of fermenting food:
  • to make food safe (microbiologically, chemically)
  • to provided product of the highest quality (flavor,color, texture)
  • to make food into forms that are convenient (ease of use)

Purpose of fermenting food:
  • to get  a better taste or texture
  • keeping quality of foods
  • give the food a longer shelf life
  • inhibit pathogenic bacteria that causes diseases such as diarrhoea
  • reducing toxic and anti-nuritive factors and nuritive value can be ameliorated